Blackjack Risk Of Ruin Calculator


Blackjack Betting Rule Of Thumb. If you are just a casual blackjack player who enjoys going to the casino every so often for a few hours of play blackjack, there is a very simple rule of thumb when it comes to betting. This rule of thumb does not depend on any betting or counting system and it works very well.

CVCX Online consists of the sim Viewers and 12 calculators as follows:

  1. Risk Of Ruin Blackjack Calculator able to keep playing Risk Of Ruin Blackjack Calculator at their favorite sites. There are not actual laws forbidding or allowing real money online gambling sites, so for the moment players can pick and choose from a wide array of sites.
  2. Although it is nearly impossible to beat the house, it is certainly possible to maximize your odds of success by utilizing proper strategy. These calculators give you the best calculations to show you the house edge in each game as well as the best play for each situation.
  3. A mathematical equation was developed, called the “Gambler’s Ruin,” which allows you to calculate the probability of doubling a bankroll before going broke for a given house edge, bankroll size, and number of.

Risk Of Ruin Card Counting Formula

CVCX Online Data Viewer

150,000 2,000,000,000 round sims with different combinations ofdecks, rules and strategies reside on the CVCX Online server. Theviewer can be used to look at the sim results. For each sim, youcan change the spread, risk and other variables and results alongwith the optimal betting ramp for your settings will be instantlydisplayed. Full CVCX functionality (reports, charts, simulation,custom bets, etc) cannot be made available due to Web limitations.But, I believe the data most commonly used is available. Click Launchto invoke the viewer. For more info on CVCX, see CVCXPages.

CVCX Online Chart Viewer

21,000 graphs with different combinations of decks, rules andstrategies also reside on the CVCX Online server. You can changethe strategy, decks, rules and spread and charts can be displayedof SCORE, Advantage and N0 for all reasable penetrations assumingoptimal betting at a risk of ruin of 13.5%. About 4,000,000 datapoints have been plotted. This is a tiny fraction of all possible siuations; but should provide a good view of the effect of variousvariables on performance. Click Launch to invoke the viewer. Sorry,this function is only available to CVCX users.



Twelve Blackjack calculators can be found below to answer various 'whatif' questions. Win Rates and Standard Deviations used in these calculatorscan be found in the CVCX Online Viewer. Most of the methodologies usedare either in or based on formulae in Don Schlesinger’s BlackjackAttack and page references are supplied below. Pick the desired calculatorand hit the Launch button.

Bankroll management calculator blackjack


Risk given no goal and no timeconstraint - This is the Simple Risk of Ruin formula onBlackjack Attack page 112. The result is the risk of ruin withno limit on the number of hands and no quit point. Simply set thebankroll.
Risk given no goal but a timeconstraint - This is the trip ruin formula in BlackjackAttack page 132. Risk is still calculated, but for a specifiednumber of hands. The risk is lower than with the above calculatorsince you have a quit point.
Risk given a goal and timeconstraint - This is called a double barrier formula andis found on Blackjack Attack page 137. We are calculating therisk of bankruptcy before hitting a goal or playing a number of hands.Here, you set a point at which you will stop playing. The risk islower than the above calculator since you will stop playing if youhit one of two quit points: Time or Goal.
Risk given a goal and no timeconstraint - This is a modification of the above with thenumber of hands removed. It can be found on Blackjack Attackpage 139. Here you quit if you hit a goal, but there is no limit onnumber of hands.


Probability of reaching a goalbefore going bankrupt given a time constraint - This formulais found on Blackjack Attack page 136. Here you specify themaximum number of hands you will play, a bankroll and a goal. Theresult is the probability of reaching that goal before going bankruptor hitting the specified number of hands.
Probability of reaching a goalbefore going bankrupt with no time constraint - This formulais found on Blackjack Attack page 138. This is the same asthe above calculator except that there can be an unlimited numberof hands. Therefore, the probability of reaching the goal is a littlehigher.


Range of Probable Results- Here, you specify the number of hands you will play and a probabilityand the range of your results is calculated. For example, if you specify95%, and the answer is -664 to 1346, then 95% of the time your winningswill be somewhere between -664 and 1,346 units. The higher the percentthat you specify, the wider the range.
What results can I expect giventime and probability of reaching goal without ruin - Thisis the formula on page 137 solved for goal. Your probable resultsare calculated. You must give a probability. For example, if you specify98%, you will hit the calculated goal 98% of the time without goingbankrupt within the specified number of hands.


Probability of your actualresults - Here you can enter the actual casino resultsfrom a trip to see how far you were from the expected results. Setthe number of hands played and how much you won or lost. If the answeris 50%, you won the amount that you should expect. If you won morethan you expected, the answer will be the percentage of times thatyou should expect at least that result.


What is the required bankrollgiven a goal and time constraint - How much do you needto avoid bankruptcy? This is the formula on page 137 solved for bankroll.Here, you enter the number of hands you will play on a trip, yourgoal and the desired probability of reaching that goal. The requiredbankroll is calculated.
What is the required bankrollgiven a goal and no time constraint - How much do you needto avoid bankruptcy? This is the formula on page 139 solved for bankroll.This is the same as the above calculator, except there is no limiton the number of hands played.


Hands required given goal anddesired probability - This is the formula on page 137 solvedfor time. Here, you calculate the needed number of hands.

Card Counting Calculator

I recently created an application in pycharm to calculated risk of ruin and winning a profit. You can enter your bankroll, your minimum true count to bet, what you bet at negative truecounts, and what you bet at TC1 through TC6. I think this gives a lot of options for entering inputs and you can even see what happens if flat bet all the time. Since I just made it you can't change the rules of the games, and it doesn't account for playing deviations based off the true count. But the rules are, dealer stays at any 17, BJ pays 3:2, no insurance, you can double after split, can't double aces. If anyone knows how to use python and want to look at it I posted a github link and a direct EXE of the program in the description of this video I made explaining it:
it's free and all that so I hope some aspiring card counters can find use out if it. I'd love feedback on new features or whatever so let me know any problems or ideas.